Prevent Breast Cancer with Diligent Eat Fish

Prevent Breast Cancer with Diligent Eat Fish
Prevent Breast Cancer with Diligent Eat Fish
Prevent Breast Cancer with Diligent Eat Fish -- For most ladies, breast cancer is still one of the dreaded chronic diseases, however, it all comes back again to the way of life and our lifestyle, if we live this life with a good lifestyle and ideal, is certainly a step reduces cancer breast will be more wide open, the most important factor that can help you avoid this disease is a good diet, especially eating food containing omega-3 fatty acids, namely fish, fisheries.

International study involving 900,000 women and 200,000 of them with breast cancer, suggests that omega-3 fatty acids play an active role in the fight against breast cancer is a chronic disease, or rather, most women who eat the intake of omega-3 that has a high risk of 14% less for the disease of breast cancer.

A study also showed that each consume less than 0.1 grams of the content of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of breast cancer up to 5%, as a parable, we just take the example of salmon, which is known to contain these healthy 4 grams of omega -3 each tail.

However, according to scientists not all omega-3 content is useful to minimize breast cancer, for example, just plants, according to the study, plants do not have the efficacy of omega-3 which is similar to that of the medium fish for breast cancer.

As we all know, omega-3 fatty acids that do not contain saturated fat is also efficacious in preventing other chronic diseases, like heart disease and cancer.

A study was also explained that the content of omega-3 from fish is still considered the best in the prevention of breast cancer, but there is no complete clarity regarding the efficacy of omega-3 derived from supplements.

Moreover, they [the scientists] have also argued or concluded that the efficacy of omega-3 to prevent breast cancer is different in each population and region, the content of omega-3 does not play so well in Asians compared to Western ones, he thinks it is occurs because the source of omega-3 consumed differently in each region.

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