Adverse impacts Drink Ice Water For Body Health

Adverse impacts Drink Ice Water For Body Health

 - In Eastern medical science, it is generally accepted that drinking cold water or ice can slow digestion, which may be harmful to health. Generally, this view see the process of digestion as 'hot' and encourage the consumption of cooked and warm food and drinks warm or hot to strengthen the digestive process.

It is considered very helpful for people who have the weak digestive. According to this school of thought, drink cold water, or even the, eat or drink anything lower than at room temperature, will cause disruption and inconvenience to those who drink it. But is it all. Here are the facts and myths about the adverse effects or negative effects of drinking cold water or ice and explanation.

Adverse impacts Drink Ice Water For Body Health

Drinking Water Ice Causing Stomach Fat

Cold or ice water you drink is not necessarily just received and absorbed by our body. Like the food, he will undergo a process of heating by the body. Because water does not like food that requires us to chew. Where the oral cavity will help the process of heating food as we chew.

Water heating process is entirely done by the other digestive tract, especially the stomach contained within the abdominal cavity. In addition, abdominal fat pads we also contribute significantly to this warming process. So if you frequently drink cold water or ice, then our body will compensate by bearing strengthen our abdominal fat is that the running maximum heating.

Drinking Cold Water Causes Stomach Bloating

In principle, people would be healthier if everything eaten or drunk approached body temperature. Thereby, your entire digestive system is not too much trouble to adjust the temperature of the food intake. In addition, the cold temperature, nerves of nearby Hotels the mouth, throat, the top of the to the abdomen will suddenly aroused. Mucous membrane in the vicinity were also stimulated (pucker) although very little. Enzymes and gastric fluids will react quickly to the cold temperatures.

You can feel when the weather was extremely hot, our body would be felt hot and sweaty. If you drink water with ice cubes, the stomach will feel cramps or spasms. Drinking ice will change the rhythm or manner of working tools in the body, especially the abdomen. Indirect result of the reaction is the emergence of a bit of gas in the stomach which can make flatulence.

Adverse impacts Drink Ice Water For Body Health

Drinking Water Ice Causing Fat Hard digested

Enjoy a glass of cold water or ice with or after meals is very common in many societies. But lately, a lot of rumors that, not nice cold drink while eating. Hardened fat, so he said. This rumor has been circulating in the community for a long time. In which it declared the results of research that mentions that drink ice water after a meal will solidify the fat from food so it can only partially digested fats, and cause them to react with stomach acid, so the bad effect to the digestive tract. Also mentioned, that the fat layer will eventually lead to cancer, or it may contribute to a heart attack.

This, it turns out, is just a myth. At the time of food and drinks into the digestive tract, they have been warmed by the body. So no matter your drink cold or warm water. At the time of entering your body all the food and drinks have undergone by the heating process of the body so that the temperature in accordance with our bodies. Moreover, there is no research that says fat relationship with cancer in this way, although consuming too much fat for long periods of time can increase the chances of heart attack by raising cholesterol levels.

Drinking Water Ice Causing Stomach Acid Dilution

Another rumor surrounding drink water after eating to mention that water can dilute stomach acid, so it slows digestive. However, as in the previous case. It also proved to be only a myth.

The study of people with diabetes have shown that the water is consumed with food does not make a difference in the level of glycemic and insulin response, and this response is regulated by the rate of digestive. So, the water you drink any amount of time or after a meal is not going to change the way food is digested. However, in some cases, for example when a person suffers from acid reflux, drink too much water at once can aggravate reflux condition.

Adverse impacts Drink Ice Water For Body Health

Drinking Water ice No Good At Menstruation

Lots of news about menstruation should not be trusted by the people like to drink cold water or ice during menstruation because it can cause menstrual blood clogged (not smooth out) and leave the rest to the uterine wall. Due to the assumption that, many women are afraid to drink cold water and ice while coming months, because they thought the water ice can make menstrual blood can not get out. Fear is rampant because many people believe that the menstrual blood that remain in the uterus within 5 years or more can lead to cysts, tumors and even the cancer of the uterus.

There is no relationship between the process of menstruation and cold water or ice, because menstruation is associated with the body's hormone estrogen. Menstruation is the process of the collapse of the wall of the uterus in the absence of fertilization. Sickness and absence, or at least a lot of blood coming out and that is influenced by hormones. Menstrual complaints are also caused by factors position of the uterus.

When the position of the uterus cause the cervix (menstrual blood discharge channel) sandwiched, it will cause pain. Certain drugs can lengthen or shorten the length of the period, but there is no connection between menstruation and cold water and ice. Cold water and ice does not have any effect during menstruation.

Drinking Water Ice Causing Disease Affected Body Prone

This myth is based on the assertion that there are germs that can survive at low temperatures (at high temperature bacteria that are turned off). However it turns out, and once again, this is not entirely correct.

Some types of bacteria will die when water undergoes the cooking process until the water boils or microbial sterilization process. But when you drink water, you still can not guarantee that your drink water is still free from disease-causing germs. This is because you may not drink the boiling water. In addition, some types of bacteria will grow even better on our body temperature. If you remember the reason why probiotic drinks such as Yakult and other stored at cold temperatures, is that the probiotic microbes do not grow beyond the limits of tolerance.

So you are drink water you drink or has directly cools before you drink, is the same. The difference is whether the drink water has undergone sterilization before and how do you keep the water remains sterile.

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