After Eating Bad Habits

After Eating Bad Habits
After Eating Bad Habits --- When hungry, eating is a taste of paradise. And after full, then heaven will be increased because the stomach is filled. When the stomach is full there are some bad habits that were not good for health. The habit should be avoided. What are the habits that?

1. Eat fruit. It turns out that eating fruit after a meal is less justified because it can cause stomach to be bloated. Which is better to consume fruit 1 hour after a meal and even better is taking it before eating.

2. Drink tea. These drinks contain acids that are very high. Drinking tea after eating protein in the diet will lead to harden making it difficult to be digested by the body.

3. Loosen the belt. This habit will lead to malfunctioning of the bowel due to stomach was "tied up" and suddenly loose.

4. Bath. The water that washed the body will weaken the digestive system. This is because blood flow will circulate throughout the body so that the amount of blood around the stomach will decrease. If you need a bath, it is better to do before eating.

5. Sleep. When the body is sleeping or lying down, the body position is not vertical but horizontal. The food was on the way to the digestive organs will be disrupted digests process. If it happens continuously will cause intestinal infections and stomach.

6. A walk. These activities can cause the digestive system is unable to absorb nutrients from the food you eat. If you must walk after eating, do it slowly.

7. Smoking. Actually, smoking is not healthy in any case, including after eating.

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