Skin Care Tips Toned and Healthy

Skin Care Tips Toned and Healthy -- As we get older, the signs of aging on the face becomes a problem that many women often complained. However, if you are diligent in taking care of the skin with the right products, you can always enjoy the skin toned and healthy.
To that end, Cobal following these tips:
Skin Care Tips Toned and Healthy
1. Some skin problems like irritation caused by the use of a moisturizer that does not suit your skin type. Therefore, if you have:
- Oily skin, use a lotion with no oils or oil free content
- Dry skin, use a cream textured dense with content-rich water
- Sensitive skin, choose products without content fragrance (fragrance free).

2. Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type. You should try the product first. Avoid skin area, brush a little on the product side of the neck to be covered with hair if you have a reaction. If it has passed the test for 3 days, meaning you can continue the product. If the product contains an easy cause irritation such as retinol or alpha hydroxy acids to keep using the basic cleaning without antioxidants and does not cause flaking.

3. Choose a sunscreen that serves to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet light. Unfortunately, according to experts women are very rarely use enough sunscreen
thus faster wrinkled skin conditions and prone to skin cancer. For that, use the spf 30 every morning after bathing. While if a lot of outdoor activities, use spf 45.

4. For skin care at night, use a lotion that contains retinol. If the skin becomes red, greed first and apply moisturizer while your skin is dry.

5. If you need a serum, select the formula hyaluronic acid (HA). To reduce fine lines and keep skin taut, retinol into a powerful content. While To disguise dark spots, try a serum containing soya (soy).

6. Large pores arise due to blockage of the dead skin and oil. The fastest way to solve it is to use cleaners containing 5 and 1 percent salicylic acid.

7. If you have oily skin, use some of the following products:
- Moisturizer with spf. Spf be key because sunlight can stimulate oil production.
- Foundation powder to help you enhance your makeup. When you are used to using liquid foundation, sprinkle a little talcum powder on the surface of the skin.
- Wax paper. Use paper from a plastic that can absorb minyakdan can be used without damaging the makeup.

9. Make sure you choose a concealer that is easy to blend. Choose a color that suits your skin. Because of the lighter colors will invite attention around the eyes.

10. Black spots appear with age relative. To disguise if:
- Conditions of mild problem: use a cream containing retinol high.
- Condition serious problems: consult a dermatologist to get the cream

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