Public Health

Public Health -- Healthy is a condition everyone's expectations, in order to always remain productive activities and work. Then what is the public health? According to Winslow, is a public health knowledge and skills to prevent disease, prolong life, maintain physical health and spiritual well-organized, for environmental health, communicable disease control, and health education to the entire community.

By applying this knowledge, the first benefit is a healthier living environment. Not only us personally, but also the people around us will feel the benefits.

As we know, a lot of issues surrounding 'healthy living' in Indonesia, and need to be addressed. Here are some of the most prominent health problems and frequent.
Behavior Problems
Lack of healthy behavior is one of the main factors in Indonesia. Lack of knowledge also makes many people become less insight to implement a healthy lifestyle. so that over time becomes not care. The role of the authorities is also needed here, because they are the agent or broker about healthy living to everyone.
Environmental Health Issues
Environmental factors are the following factors. Environmental factors include some things in it that is, residential environmental factors, and the provision of clean water. Residential environment is the basis of the human environment, healthy homes criteria need to be considered in order to create a healthy atmosphere. But unfortunately because of the limited land for settlements make it difficult to achieve these criteria, so that the objective criteria of a healthy home is still difficult to achieve.

Provision of clean water. The quality of water for the needs of the community must also meet the minimum requirements that can be consumed society. Water sources in Indonesia such as rain water, shallow well water, lake water, river water and shallow well water still has to go through a simple processing to modern so drinkable. Unmet needs clean water will certainly lead to many diseases.
Health Problems
Good service will result in optimal health. Limited resources have not been sufficient to make the goal difficult to achieve healthy communities. There are still many problems to be solved in terms of services, such as facilities and inadequate infrastructure, human resources professionals, and health financing. Factors health financing is often a barrier for people to obtain quality healthcare.

Seeing the many public health problems, of course, there are some things we do in order to Indonesian residents can live healthier, and far from the disease.

Starting from the environment with a big influence in the creation of health. Environment that is clean, fresh, and convenient hard to get right now, especially for people who live in places that sanitation is poor. For that there should be training or education in order to gain public understanding and knowing the importance of a healthy environment.

Thanks to the holding of a lot of training and counseling, can help people to possess more knowledge about health, so the population of an area can take preventive actions in advance.
Fight Against Contagion
Diseases such as HIV / AIDS and avian influenza is a contagious disease that can spread throughout society with the establishment of equitable public health for the whole community, the infectious disease transmission can be reduced.

Availability of Necessary Public Health Efforts
Awareness of the importance of environmental hygiene must be balanced with appropriate health efforts are needed by the community. The existence of health centers, neighborhood health center or clinic that are accessible to all walks of life would be expected that the public health goals can be achieved.

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