Healthy Bones ? Stay away from smoking -- Smoking is associated with low bone density in adults, as well as other unhealthy habits such as alcohol consumption or static activity. The negative effects of smoking on bone mass are worse because they are usually started smoking when young becoming heavy smokers as adults. The question is, how do I quit smoking? Consider the following tips are taken from the National Cancer Intitute.
Approximately 90 percent of which are trying to quit smoking do so without the help of others. No help, no therapy, or medication. But in fact, many eventually give up in this way. Only about 10 percent are successful in the first experiment.

Another thing you can do is use Nicotine Replacement Therapy. There is a form of chewing gum, which is affixed, inhalers, sprays, and lozenges. This therapy works by replacing the need for nicotine without using tobacco. Terpi is usually performed on those who have been over the age of 18. This therapy is also usually more successful if dikombinaksikan with behavioral therapy is also supported by friend and family.
Spinal Disorders, Danger to Your HealthAs with other diseases, spinal disorders determinant of recovery is the most important when it finds immediately see any complaints in that section. The more immediately addressed, the better the prognosis or cure and fast. Spinal problems if handled too late, can degrade the quality of life.
The involvement of various disciplines is necessary to establish a diagnosis and appropriate therapy. Because the disease often comes with a thousand faces. The team physician will convey the results of the diagnosis to the patient or his family clearly, as well as all stages of treatment to patients.
Patients also often concerned about the risk of certain medical procedures on the spine. With minimally invasive surgical techniques, can help minimize all possible risks. Healing was faster and the risk of scarring smaller incision. The availability of complete facilities will facilitate decision-making if the patient requires operative action or non-operative measures.
To obtain a complete picture of the spine, the Hospital has a diagnostic aid Long Length Imaging (LLI), which can provide a complete picture of long objects such as bones of the spine, from the neck to the tail bone, as well as from the pelvic bone to the heel.
Another technology is the Intra Operative Nerve Monitoring (IONM). Benefits of IONM alone is able to show the patient's nerve function during surgery, so the IONM, doctors who perform spine surgery will not feel worried, because of complications in patients operated can be eliminated.
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