Health Benefits of Breastfeeding For Baby and Mom

Health Benefits of Breastfeeding For Baby and Mom
Health Benefits of Breastfeeding For Baby and Mom  -- Duration of breastfeeding is very important for the future health of the baby and mother. Exclusive breast milk benefits are enormous not only important for the baby, but the mother was also important you know. So what is it exclusively breast milk? Ation is exclusive breast feeding as early as possible after birth, given without any particular schedule, and without any other food additives to infants aged 6 months, and 6 months after the baby was introduced to other foods but still be breastfeeding until the baby is 2 years old. Exclusive breastfeeding is one of the factors supporting the baby's intelligence.

How important does exclusive breastfeeding for health?

It is essential, therefore should be a concern for expectant mothers or mothers who are breastfeeding. Breast feeding is the responsibility of the parents to the baby when breastfeeding is not given the maximum can make the baby a little stunted growth. By providing automatic ation, the mother will transfer immunity to the baby. So we need to realize that breast feeding is not only a mere trivial things, and can not be replaced by anything.

The role of breast milk exclusively for the mother and child.
Other diseases that can be avoided by exclusive breastfeeding is an infectious disease , especially diarrhea and pneumonia. Breast milk is the kind of food that meet all nutritional elements required by the needs of the baby physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually. Ation contains nutrients, hormones and immune elements, anti- allergic, anti- inflammatory. Besides ation also rich in nutrients good development of baby's nervous system.

Here are some of the benefits for babies who are given breast milk exclusively :
Easy to digest.
  • Initial immunization useful to increase endurance.
  • Ation content of high -quality useful to the growth and development of infants.
  • Ation protein more easily absorbed than cow milk ( infant formula ).
  • Clean and free of pollution.
  • Direct contact between mother and child make the bond of love that can help psychologically baby.
  • Improving intelligence, emotional, and spiritual baby.
  • Cheap and safe for babies.

Not only benefits for the baby fruit, but for the mother it is useful but not least, the following benefits : As a contraceptive. Because breastfeeding can delay menstruation and pregnancy Reduce the risk of breast cancer Reduce bone loss Accelerate the downsizing of the uterus after childbirth The number of infant formula products cause many mothers who switch to formula feeding companion causing early. many factors that cause early formula feeding for example.
Breast milk is not enough
This is the main reason for the mother not giving breastfeeding. The biological mother only 2-5% less milk production, the mother can rest generating enough milk for her child.
Mother Works
This reason is also often used to give formula when baby. This can be resolved by way of accommodating milk in a bottle for later can be given to the baby, because the milk inside the bottle (sterile) can last a long time.

Infant formula is more practical

Although formula feeding is practical, should be studied also impact what if the baby is given formula because many babies are allergic to formula milk content.

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