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Fruits and Vegetables Healthy Dangerous |
It turns out that apples can be dangerous, but fortunately only a part of the seed alone. The scientists managed to find that apple seeds contain cyanogenic glycoside earlier, or cyanide. It is uncertain how many seeds should you eat to be able to turn off, but at least, so eating apples and you feel stomach pain, or vomiting, excessive sweating, immediately to the doctor and ask for help over cyanide poisoning, cyanide has been known to turn off!
2. Vegetable Spinach
Contain oxalic acid which can bind calcium so that calcium can not be utilized by the body and form crystals that can irritate the stomach and form a kidney stone. High content of oxalic acid in spinach can be dangerous to a person because only with 4-5 grams of oxalic acid can cause death in adults.
Symptoms: gastrointestinal disorders (abdominal cramps and vomiting) were quickly followed by circulatory disorders, rupture of blood vessels, and death in severe cases.
Tips : cook until boiling and then discard the water to reduce the oxalic acid content than that do not consume excessive spinach.
3. Red Beans
Contains fitohemaglutinin to make red blood cells and white blood clot if consumed raw or undercooked.
Symptoms: nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain which was followed by diarrhea. Usually symptoms of of poisoning will healed without medication after after 4-5 days.
Tips : be sure to cook until completely cooked red beans, red beans better soak in water for at least 5 hours. Discard the soaking water and then boiled in water until boiling for 10 minutes and then let stand for 45-60 minutes until soft texture.
4. Peanuts
Containing Aflatoxin is produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus which is widely available on the nut and dairy products.
Symptoms : Nausea and vomiting, while long-term effects will lead to liver cancer.
Tips : do not choose peanut greenish black, bitter, hollow, wrinkled, partially peel the husk and water level. Regular cooking g lethal toxin will cause aflatoxin in peanuts will be damaged at temperatures of 250 C so how is the first drying peanuts that have been peeled for 6 hours to weaken 50% poison. Save peanut products processed in the fridge to retard the growth of the fungus.
5. Potato
Contains solanine and chaconine gikoalkoloid where a lot of class on stained green potato tuber, sprout, and physically have deer or rot
Symptoms : The symptoms of poisoning usually appear 8-12 hours after eating potatoes were stained green, a burning sensation in the mouth, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, heartbeat disorders and headaches.
Tips : Avoid selecting potatoes were stained green, bitter taste, a lot of eyes and sprout. If you already bought a green stained browns, green waste stain, then soak the potatoes in a solution of water mixed with salt before it is processed or how to store potatoes in a cool, dry and dark. Avoid storing potatoes in a place exposed to sunlight or light because it can cause the formation of solanine.
6. Celery
Of psoralen-containing coumarin group which if consumed in excess will cause sensitivity to the skin if exposed to sunlight.
Symptoms : skin becomes dry and flammable by sunlight which can cause long-term effects of skin cancer.
Tips : Avoid eating too much raw celery. It will be safer if the celery is cooked before consumption because psoralen can decompose through the cooking process, giving rise to of poisoning.
7. Cassava
Containing linamarin and lotaustralin where it will react with toxins in the body enxim then transformed into highly toxic hydrogen cyanide. These toxins are found in many raw or cooked cassava less than perfect where bitter cassava more toxic than sweet.
Symptoms occur several hours after eating cassava include difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, weakness, seizures, irregular heartbeat g, and in severe cases can cause death due to difficulty breathing.
Tips : poisonous cassava tubers is characterized by a bitter taste and unpleasant smell. Boiling water and soak in water flow can reduce the levels of toxic HCN, because HCN is soluble in water. Besides special for bitter cassava, washing to remove soil that sticks, peeled, cut into pieces and soak in cassava clean warm water for several days. Discard the soaking water washing before cooking.
8. Young Tomato
Containing atropine and solanine from groups gikoalkoloid where many young tomato immature, bitter taste, and light green. These toxins will usually disappear after the tomatoes ripe and ready for consumption.
Symptoms : acute bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, fatigue, difficulty breathing, chills, headache, paralysis and even death in severe cases.
Tips : after consumption of tomatoes should be ripe in which the content of solanine will turn into solanidin that the effect is not detrimental, but in people who are allergic can cause arthritis disease.
That's some vegetables and fruit almost every day of our consumption, although these fruits and vegetables are needed by our body in maintaining health conditions, but nonetheless there are a few things to consider before eating. We deliberately bring this article does not mean we forbid you enjoy it, but we just reminded not to eat excessively. Especially if you do not pay attention to the impact that will be caused, basically we want you all to lead a healthy life.
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