Detected Early symptoms, 90% of Breast Cancer Can Be Cured

Detected Early symptoms, 90% of Breast Cancer Can Be Cured
Detected Early symptoms, 90% of Breast Cancer Can Be Cured  -- MORE early breast cancer that is detected at stage I, the rate of cure sufferers achieve 90% higher. For that regular screening starting at age 30 years if there is a bump at least once a month is needed. Even women aged 40-49 years are encouraged to do a mammogram once every two years.

Approximately 90% of breast lumps are benign not cancerous so no need to panic. But if it does not disappear as well or enlarging the size of the inspected recommended especially if followed by symptoms such as itching redness around the nipple, discharge of blood from the nipple and surrounding skin thickening or nipple keen to get into.

In the early stages, nine out of ten breast cancer patients can be cured. Moreover, the current technology has advanced considerably in the field of medicine, especially surgery for breast cancer sentinel lymph node biopsy.

Previous to lift a lot of lymph nodes from the armpit to look for cancer cells are attacked. There are currently no lymph node procedure of choosing which ones might be attacked and just need to pick one or several nodes of the armpit. As a result, side effects when lymph nodes were removed as swelling, stiffness and pain in the arm will be reduced. Systemic therapy such as chemotherapy, hormonal and targeted therapy is also used in the PCC to deal with breast cancer. With this effort can reduce the likelihood of cancer recurrence and improve patient recovery.

Causes of breast cancer in women It is not clear what causes breast cancer.

Doctors know that breast cancer occurs when some breast cells begin growing abnormally. These cells divide more rapidly than cells in general. The accumulation of these cells to form tumors that can spread to the breast, lymph tissue, or other body parts. Breast cancer most often begins in the milk production line. Doctors call this type of cancer is invasive ductal carcinoma cancer. Breast cancer can also start from the lobules (invasive lobular carcinoma) or cells in the breast.

Scientists identify things that can increase your risk of having breast cancer. But it is not clear what why some people do not have risk factors develop cancer, while others who have risk factors never experienced it. It seems that breast cancer is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors you.

Breast cancer due to heredity
Doctors estimate that 5 to 10 percent of breast cancer related to genetic mutations in generations in the family. A number of inherited defective gene can increase the likelihood of breast cancer have been identified. Common are breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1) and breast cancer genes 2 (BRCA2), both of which increase the risk of of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

If you have a strong family record with breast cancer or other cancers, blood tests can help identify the the damaged BRCA or other genes contained in the family.

Risk factors for Breast Cancer Exposed
The risk factor is anything that makes you more likely to develop breast cancer. But it does have one or even several risk factors does not mean you will develop cancer - some women with breast cancer do not have any known risk factors than other women.
Some things that can be increase the risk of breast cancer include:
  • Women. Women are more likely to develop breast cancer than men.
  • Increasing age. Your risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. Women over the age of 60 years have a greater risk than women with a younger age.
  • Personal notes with breast cancer. If you have cancer in one breast, you have an increase risk of experiencing cancer in the other breast.A family history breasts cancer. If the your have mother, sister or daughter with breast cancer, you have a greater opportunity diagnosed with breast cancer. 
  • But generally those who have breast cancer have no family history of breast cancer.Offspring genes that increase the risk of cancer. 
  • Mutations of certain genes that increase the risk breasts cancer can decreased from parents to children. Mutations genes in question are BRCA1 and BRCA2. 
  • The gene can increase the risk of breast cancer and another cancers, but the they do not make cancer bound to occur.Exposed to radiation. If the your receiving treatment with radiation to the chest as a child or young adult, your are more likely to develop breast cancer later in life.
  • Obesity. Overweight or obese increases your risk of having breast cancer.Coming months starting at a younger age. Future months that began before age 12 increase the risk of breasts cancer.
  • Menopause is started at an older age. If the your starting menopause after age 55, your will have more chances of developing breast cancer.
  • Have their first child at an older age. Women who have recently had children after age 35 can increase the risk of breasts cancer.
  • Postmenopausal hormone therapy. Those who use hormone therapy treatment that combines estrogen and progesterone to treat the signs and symptoms of menopause have an increase risk of breasts cancer.
  • Drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of breasts cancer.

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