Benefits of Sweet For Diet And Health

Benefits of Sweet For Diet And Health -- Cassava is one of the most important staple food in some countries such as Africa . In Asia alone , not only the tuber are often used , but the leaves are also commonly used as a vegetable material .

Although it has many health benefits , many people are reluctant to consume potato because it is food that is not classy . In fact , their assumption is wrong , because in addition to carbohydrates consumed in lieu of rice , yam benefits to this diet is also pretty good .
The content of the diet and the health benefits of potatoes for.

Potato or sweet potato has many health benefits because of its nutrient content. Compared potatoes, the nutritional value of the potato is higher, especially lower glikemiks content so good if it is used for dieting or who have diabetes. Benefits of sweet potatoes to the diet itself is quite good because potatoes contain vitamin A, C, B2, D, E, folate, iron, of manganese and copper. Even Boldsky site reported that the efficacy of sweet potato are as follows:

1. Preventing cancer

The colors on the potato as orange, purple and red that exist in this potato is a source of vitamin A and carotenoids such as beta carotene. Benefits of potatoes for dietary prevention of cancer such as oral cancer and lung cancer due deepest substances in the sweet potato.

2. Preventing a heart attack
Bladder vitamin B6 exist in sweet potatoes can lower homocysteine reported chemical that can prevent the occurrence of heart attacks. In addition, the content of potassium in the potato also has the same function that is able to keep the blood pressure remained stable.
How to cultivate sweet potatoes for diet
Benefits of sweet potatoes to the diet of many kinds of diseases can be done by considering ways of processing cassava itself. Because not only can be done for any disease diet, but potatoes are also very well taken for the prevention of dangerous diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Therefore do appropriate processing methods so that the benefits can be felt potato. Here are two good ways to cultivate yams:

1. Boiled

Consuming a diet yam for this can be done by boiling. The way it feels very good because it does not use oil in its processing, although it could be a way to cultivate potatoes by frying. However, to boil diet is one right way.

2. In steam

The second alternative potato processing can be done by steaming potatoes into steamer. However, if you do this second way would be nice if you peel potatoes first so simple in its presentation.

Above this is a good way to cultivate potatoes so that you get the health benefits of potatoes to the diet, so avoid some dangerous diseases. The way it is practical and does not take a long time. However, if you have spare time to process it, you can just make the potato as a food processed in the form of pudding.

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