Stem Cell Therapy in Diabetic Foot Case |
If already formed part black, meaning the network is dead. And if left unchecked will further widen and showed no wound healing. This condition usually occurs in the legs so that the patient is known as diabetic foot. In these conditions often have to do the amputation of limbs.
Stem cells can be used to stimulate the formation of new vascular tissue and activating blood flow is important for wound healing and produce growth factors to support the acceleration of wound healing. This procedure is done by isolating autologous stem cells from peripheral blood using apheresis machine. Stem cells are then dripped or injected into the patient's leg muscle tissue along.
In the field of Endocrine Metabolic, since the year 2012 dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, SpPD KEMD PhD, dr. Em Yunir, SpPD, KEMD and dr. Wismandari Vishnu, SpPD of the Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of medicine-RSCM has been doing therapy implantation of autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor in peripheral vascular disease (Peripheral Arterial Disease) with diabetes in two patients. At this stage of the evaluation showed that the wounds on both of these patients improved clinically.
This success is also supported by the results of angiography which showed significant results in the formation of several new collateral vessels. Currently preparations are being made for the patient to therapy-3 which has reached the stage of screening to assess exclusion criteria.
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