How to choose a Healthy Cosmetics

How to choose a Healthy Cosmetics
How to choose a Healthy Cosmetics -- There are several make-up products made from ingredients that are not good for skin? The chemicals in question is biomutagen, which can disrupt the balance of hormones in the body. One of these phthalates, which are chemicals used in perfumes, cosmetics, nail polish, and plastic.

Women who regularly use products contains a destroyer of this hormone in many cases will suffer fertility problems and increase the risk of cancer in their children.

1. Using organic materials. In general, these materials are safe and few contain chemicals. You still have to check again the label that lists the materials used, and make sure there is nothing dangerous.

2 . Use make-up is simple . Less you wear will be better . Reduce the use of the material make - up is not necessary for everyday purposes .

3 . Do not use make - up that contains perfume . There are some make-up or cosmetics that do use perfume in addition to products. You need to know , chemicals that can damage the body generally found in materials that easily seep into the pores of the body and into the bloodstream . Such as perfume , for example .

4 . Reduce the use of nail polish . When applying nail polish , make sure you are in an open space ( the smell of nail polish which generally contain chemicals can seep in through breathing ) . It would be better if you avoid nail polish containing phthalates . So is the hair dye .

5 . Create your shopping list . Non-profit organization called the Environmental Working Group have complete data about the products that are free biomutagen . And Purchase cosmetics that you need, do not buy cosmetics just as interested in regardless of its content .

6 Tips on Choosing a Cosmetic Good Women

Cosmetics is one thing that could be considered mandatory for a woman . Because the cosmetic wear on various occasions will certainly support the appearance of a woman especially for special occasions . With cosmetic woman will always look fresh .

However, not all cosmetics sold in the market can match and suit your skin type . Not only is it more berbahay again if the cosmetics contain hazardous materials such as mercury , which would certainly be bad for your skin . Additionally unisex cosmetics that have not been officially tested by a particular laboratory , whereas banayk products have been used by many people . The most dangerous and many cosmetics are also well-known cosmetic brands faked so that their products can sell them .

To overcome the bad possibilities that it is very important for you to know how women in order to sort out a cosmetic that is guaranteed safety and quality. Here is an article that can be used for intelligent companions choose cosmetics that are good for you .

Here's 6 Tips to Choosing a Cosmetic Good Women

1 . Polar products labeled halal
Mostly good food and cosmetic products are halal label on the packaging . This can prove that the product has been tested by the agency to determine the content contained in the product , publication including cosmetics .

2 . Have a Legal Code
Especially for the f and cosmetics , have institutions that handle about its legality is Food and Drug Administration . If a product does not have the legal code so that neither party wants to be responsible for its production .

The code that needs to be understood is :
  •     CD for the local production of cosmetics
  •     CL for imported cosmetics
  •     TR for traditional herbal products are classified as
  •     TL for a product that was imported herbs

3 . User has
If you want to choose cosmetic Always note whether the packaging has rules of usage or usage instructions . It is very important that the results obtained can be maximized with product safety standards .

4. Having Expiration Date
No expiration date on your cosmetic products is very important. This is to ensure the effective life of the product, which certainly will affect the quality level.

5. Listed Name and Address of Manufacturer
If a cosmetic product does not have the name and address of the manufacturer, then you need to question it. Cosmetic products that have the name and address of the obvious addition of course, the name and address can be important information for the complaint to the authorities, then, when there is a problem about the product.

6. Note Composition
composition of existing materials in cosmetics become very important to you. Notice if there substances unlawful or harmful to the skin. Among that need to be considered are:

  • Mercury / Hg . This includes heavy metals that are harmful to the body . On the skin can cause dark spots , allergies , and mild irritation , to severe . Mercury can not be parsed body , penetrate the skin layers and and accumulate in the kidneys . In the short- term exposure can cause diarrhea , and damage to the lungs , while the long-term use can damage the kidneys and brain . Mercury can still be found in some illegal cosmetic products , which often do not even have the information in Indonesian .
  • Hydroquinone . These substances including prescription drugs . Abroad have banned its use . But in Indonesia is still tolerable to the limit of tolerance of 2 % . Hydroquinone exposure may cause irritation to the skin becomes red , burning . Could cause further damage to the kidneys , blood cancer and liver cancer .
  • K.10 Red dye ( Rhodamine B ) and Substance Dyes K.3 ; synthetic dyes are common in the textile industry and is a carcinogen .
  • Fat and all derivatives of animal origin that are forbidden .
  • Collagen derived from animals that are forbidden .
  • Elastin that comes from animals that are forbidden .
  • Placenta extract derived from animal or human is forbidden .
  • Amnion ( amniotic ) derived from animals that are forbidden .
  • Gelatin derived from animals that are forbidden .
  • Chivet or hormones from glands from animals haram or unclean .

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