Early Detection of Bone Disorders Children

Early Detection of Bone Disorders Children
Early Detection of Bone Disorders Children -- Bone disorders in children has become a major focus of parents. For children, the bone has a vital function. In addition as the support and protective body organs, bones also become a body frame that will help growth and development of the child in accordance with the growth milestones (milestone).

One concern of parents is the foot bone abnormalities in children. Congenital abnormalities of the child's foot is the most common CTEV (congenital talipes equinovarus) or clubfoot in which the soles of the feet facing inwards and downwards resembling a golf stick (Head Golf Club). Should feared?

According to Dr. SpOT Aryadi Kurniawan, consultant pediatric orthopedic, if not handled properly then the patient with CTEV will have difficulty in walking and in the end will lead to a decrease in productivity and quality of life significantly. Patients can not wear normal footwear, and will undergo early degeneration of joints in the legs and is unable to walk long distances.

In Indonesia, if the number of live births each year to reach 4 million more, it can be obtained about 4,000 babies are born each year with CTEV ".

Aryadi added, this case is important because it can affect the quality and productivity of a person so that in some developed countries, the detection CTEV be part of the screening tests of newborns (neonates screening test).

Currently accepted in almost all over the world to overcome CTEV is using the Ponseti method. The World Health Organization reports that the Ponseti method has a success rate of 98 percent if done by a skilled hand and done at an early age. After completing the management of children with the Ponseti method to perform usual activities.

Congenital abnormalities of the lower limb is also important is Developmental Hip Dysplasia (DDH) in which the hip joint hump slid out of the bowl joint. If not handled properly it will result in the child's DDH was limping because of the short leg side.

When continued into adulthood then DDH will result in premature degeneration of the hip joint so that pelvic pain when walking and eventually require replacement of the hip joint with an artificial joint (Total Hip Arthroplasty).

If DDH can be detected early enough then Rx is non-operative by using Pavlik Harness. The greater the age of the child at the time of commencement of containment procedures, the more likely your child requires surgery. The importance of detection and treatment of DDH DDH early lead neonates also be part of a screening test in many countries.

Prevention is better than cure. If it can not be prevented early treatment is better than delayed treatment. This principle is very useful for treating bone disorders in children. In contrast to adults, in children there is still growth. Do not let bone disorders to affect children's growth could reduce the quality of life in adulthood.

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