Diet For Health Benefits

Diet For Health Benefits -- Many things cause a person to follow a diet program . However , in general obesity ( excess body fat ) or a desire to get a slim body becomes the main reason . When a person has too much body fat , many diseases can easily infect the body such as high blood pressure , heart disease , diabetes , shortness of breath , and other diseases .

Nutritionists or doctors usually advise a person to make a healthy diet to avoid something undesirable when obese or overweight . In addition to losing weight , maintaining a healthy body is also a good reason to follow the weight loss program . In addition to exercise , diet is also an alternative or a solution for anyone who wants to stay healthy and slim .

Diet plan for weight loss consists of various kinds . A person can choose the program that best suits their needs . It also should be noted that not all of these programs is healthy so we have to be really selective when choosing programs for slimming . Here are some of the programs currently chosen to attenuate weight .
Low Fat Diet
Diet For Health Benefits
This program tells us in fact not that we should not eat foods that contain fat as energy to keep us , we also need to consume 30 to 35 percent of the total calories of fat . In this program , you are required to avoid foods that contain lots of saturated fats example is fried . Meanwhile , foods with unsaturated fats such as fish and nuts can still consume.
We have also been a lot of low-fat products available on the market . Such products can be a good alternative . You should begin to replace sugar , milk , and other products with ingredients more healthful foods .
Low Carbohydrate Diet
For those of you who want to lose weight , this diet program could be the right choice . However attenuate weight program like this sometimes makes the body become unbalanced because carbohydrates serve as the main energy source for the body . However , you do not need to worry because taking vitamin B and fiber can help to balance the body back . You can consume foods such as grains and replace your breakfast menu with oat meal .
Vegetarian Diet
If you want to do this , then say goodbye to snack foods and meat because in this program you will only consume organic foods such as vegetables , fruits , and mushrooms . Vegetables are rich in fiber , protein , iron , calcium , and other essential nutrients . Tomatoes , spinach , peppers , broccoli , and eggplant has many essential nutrients that can prevent cancer and is low in calories .
Raw Food Diet
You do not be surprised first because this diet program does not mean you are pure consuming raw foods . You surely know that the food is cooked too long will lose nutrients and vitamins contained in it . People who follow this program very sure of that . Therefore , they only cook the food at a temperature less than 47 ° C. Sushi may be the right choice for this program . However , if you have a problem to consume raw foods , you should not choose this program .
Bland diet
If you have any problems with the digestive tract , the doctor will usually advise you to do this program . In this diet , you must consume foods low in fat , low in fiber , and soft texture . The food should be consumed first steamed to make it more easily digestible . Yogurt , milk , cheese , fruits , and vegetables that have been cooked can be your choice . In addition , you should also avoid spicy foods , raw foods , and fried foods .

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