Stress busting Healthy Foods

Stress busting Healthy Foods --- Activity that is so dense, sometimes make a person forget the time, so there was no spare time to gather with family, let alone the name on vacation. All must know that drugs can reduce holiday stress is the end of the week, holidays and visiting tourist place is a very good activity for health.

Well, what if because of your busy schedule does not have enough time doing leisure activities or traveled to restore physical health and your brain has been depressed due to the tight schedule of the work. Nothing wrong with you try this one.

Stress busting Healthy Foods
Stress busting Healthy Foods

Stress busting Healthy Foods

Reduce the stress of a solid job and restore the health of the body and brain do not always have to be done by the holidays and visiting tourist spots but by eating certain foods can also help relieve stress and restore your health.
What are the types of food that can be consumed to reduce your stress load, the following are a few types of food:
  1. Bananas. The content of potassium in bananas, can reduce tension.
  2. Spinach and broccoli. Vitamin content is able to replenish the vitamins reduced due to stress.
  3. Milk and yogurt. High calcium and B vitamins will help strengthen bones and is essential for the body's nerve fibers. Both also to stabilize mood.
  4. Tuna and mackerel. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help maintain heart health and maintain the stability of adrenaline, also good for memory.
  5. Nuts. Its content was able to stabilize mood and ward off free radicals and heart disease.
  6. Blueberries. Antioxidants can counteract free radicals and protect the body from stress.
  7. Chicken and turkey. Source of the amino acid tryptophan to help relax the mind and also help relax and sleep better. Protein content also stabilize blood sugar and reduce stress.
  8. Orange. The content of vitamin C to maintain the body's immune system to function well under stress. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that is perfect.
  9. Dried apricots. Are rich in magnesium, a natural stressful exterminator with nourish the nerves and relaxes the muscles.
  10. Grains. The content of B-Complex vitamins, mineral, protein, and fiber found in whole grains.
That is ten kinds of food that you can every day consumption to avoid stress. As you well know if you have more work to depress the mind and spirit that ultimately will make be stressful, especially if it is not balanced with entertainment such as a vacation, what we have presented above may give a positive impact to your health because of all the content of food presented above is able to reduce stressful and improve concentration. Good also for maintaining energy levels.

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