Should Avoid To Stay Healthy this food

Should Avoid To Stay Healthy this food
Should Avoid To Stay Healthy this food
Should Avoid To Stay Healthy this food -- Adjusting the diet is very important to get a healthy body. Because the nutrients the body needs to work properly. Here are seven foods that should be avoided, but the fact is often consumed daily such as:

1. Snacks from rice
It does not matter if the rice is made into snacks such as cookies, crackers, and other foods. However, rice is a source of carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index. This make glucose and insulin levels increased rapidly which triggers fat storage in the body.

2. White bread
Although often claimed to have fiber and additional nutrients, white bread is not as good as wheat bread. If you want to eat white bread, preferably whole grain white bread.

3. Drinks rich in taste
If you want to get enough nutrients, it is better to eat foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Do not drink beverages that have added some flavor, sugar or substances that are claimed to increase energy. Better drinking water.

4. Muffins and banana bread
Do you think eating muffins and banana bread is safe because it contains low calories. This food contains more than 60 grams of carbohydrates, or the equivalent of a piece of banana which has more than 60 grams of carbohydrates, is also equivalent to a piece of bread. Calorie muffin is on par with 4 tablespoons sugar.

5. Snacks of cheese
Snacks of cheese snacks is not good for the body, because these foods are generally added MSG, refined carbohydrates. Especially for the kids need snacks without MSG and refined carbohydrates.

6. Cold yogurt
Sounds yogurt is a healthy food, but yogurt has sugar sweet as sugar in ice cream. Even as many calories ice cream, especially yogurt plus syrup, nuts, and other additives.

7. Brown
Chocolate containing various foodstuffs such as sugar, vegetable oil, is the unhealthy food because it contains a lot of fat 'ugly'. Fat content even more ugly than fat from nuts.
7 Healthy Foods are Dangerous
Excessive everything was not good. In fact, if it is consumed in excess is a health food. Instead of making a healthy body, healthy food with excessive consumption will actually make the body unhealthy. Here are seven healthy foods that can make an overdose is not good.

1. Carrots
Excessive eating carrots is not always harmful. However, excessive eating carrots will make the body a little weird and embarrassing. Beta-carotene, the orange color in carrots giver, will dissolve in fat. So, the body will store it for use later on. Too much beta-carotene is making carrot-colored body. This occurrence is most common in infants and children.

2. Tuna
Big fish like tuna is the owner of the highest throne in the food chain. This makes tuna tend to contain a lot of mercury due to the accumulated effects of prey also eat other fish. If consumed more than 6 ounces per week, the body will be poisoned by mercury from tuna fish. Therefore, the tuna should be avoided by pregnant women.

3. Kombucha tea
Kombuncha tea is known for its probiotic power. However, this tea has an unexpected side effect when consumed in excess. First, lactic acid in kombucha can actually trigger panic attacks in people who are sensitive to lactic acid. In addition, kombucha also contain high levels of alcohol, although it will certainly be a bit intoxicating if taken in excess.

5. Coffee
Depression pressed coffee will be harmful when consumed in excess. Too much coffee will cause heart palpitations, dizziness, confusion, and even a heart attack.

6. Water
Consume too much water without considering the levels of sodium and potassium in it will make cells in the blood becomes more dilute. This means that the cells will not work properly because they are not able to transmit electrical signals.

7. Nutmeg
Consuming excessive nutmeg will cause a person to hallucinate, feel anxious, and afraid.

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