Hundreds Cancer Cells Appear Every Day

Hundreds Cancer Cells Appear Every Day
Hundreds Cancer Cells Appear Every Day
Hundreds Cancer Cells Appear Every Day --- The immune system can be likened to soldiers highly disciplined, organized, intelligent, and hardworking that protects the body from external enemies, especially enemies such as bacteria or viruses that attempt to enter the body. Still remember the boy David from Texas, who before birth is known that the immune system is not perfect?

David problematic in the spinal cord that can not produce lymphocytes, which are part of a warrior ready for battle in defending the body against various attacks bacteria, viruses, and diseases are trying to get into the body through food, the respiratory tract, as well as the surrounding environment. Without the protection of the immune system-though born by cesarean section are sterile, sterile indoor living, breathing air sterile, sterile drinking water, eating food and sterile - David only last for 12 years after a failed bone marrow transplant from her brother. Illustration was important to clarify the role of the immune system for our immune system. Lymphocytes are like soldiers, are produced by the bone marrow are called B lymphocytes, while those produced in the thymus gland are called T lymphocytes B lymphocytes will produce some sort of weapon called antibodies.

Role of the Immune System is very important in maintaining health, preventing disease and accelerate the healing process. Because only our immune system that can cure the disease down to its roots with no side effects, unlike drugs can only relieve symptoms (pain only) / are symptoms, not to mention the side effects of drugs that are harmful to our bodies.

Immune System Better, Better Lifes

The immune system is very basic and important role for health, must be accompanied by a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, enough exercise, and avoid the entry of toxic substances into the body. Once the toxic compounds present in the body, it must be immediately removed. The condition of the immune system determines the quality of life. In a healthy body there is a strong immune system so the body's resistance to disease is also excellent.

In the newborn, the formation of his immune system is not perfect and requires milk contained the mother's immune information to help the baby's immune system. The more mature, fully formed immune system. However, in the elderly, their immune system naturally decreases. That is why degenerative disease or illness arising aging.

Each time there is a foreign object into the body takes 10-14 days to form antibodies. Thus, an antibody response to interference from outside, arms formed by a group of soldiers of B lymphocytes in the immune system. Antibodies are composed of protein, also known as immunoglobulin, abbreviated: Ig, A protein serum globulin. Antibodies will destroy enemies or invaders called antigens, such as bacteria and viruses that cause disease, by means bind to the antigens and marking foreign molecules in which they committed themselves. Subsequently cells can differentiate and incapacitate troops.

Healthy food role, modern lifestyle demands everything done fast paced and instant. It also impacts on the diet. Breakfast in the vehicles, all-round lunch rush, and the night because there is no appetite fatigue. Food consumption should not only to meet the nutritional needs, but also consider the content of bioactive compounds in foods that can help keep your body healthy, otherwise known as functional foods, so that the immune system can be maintained. For that we need wisdom in sorting food or eating smart. Adequacy of fruit and vegetable consumption is absolutely necessary as vitamins, minerals, enzymes and bioactive compounds as body indispensable.

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