Healthy lifestyles for people with High Cholesterol

Healthy lifestyles for people with High Cholesterol -- Healthy lifestyle did in fact should be considered by anyone, whether they are indeed having a good medical history, as well as for those who did have problems with her health. Well here is a healthy lifestyle for those who have high cholesterol levels. For those of you owners of high cholesterol levels, be careful in choosing the type of exercise you want to do, because it could be sport to be something harmful to you, especially strenuous exercise which makes the heart work harder.

Vigorous exercise can be harmful to owners who have high cholesterol levels have a buildup of plaque in blood vessels. Because, strenuous exercise increases the work the heart and increases the risk of plaque regardless of the blood vessels.

Plaque that regardless, he added, will carry over into the bloodstream and potentially clog the smaller blood vessels and make it burst. Rupture of blood vessels in the brain may result in stroke and heart if it would result in a heart attack.

Usually fatty deposits (plaques) are no larger blood vessels and when carried to the blood vessels are smaller in size will clog.

Healthy lifestyles for people with High Cholesterol
Healthy lifestyles for people with High Cholesterol
At the moment things are not working out, plaques in the blood vessels will not be until the clog blood flow though the narrow vessel size. As the heart works harder, the blood flow will take place more rapidly and increases the risk of plaque on regardless.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle, particularly from the sport for owners of high cholesterol is a sport with a low to moderate intensity.

Cholesterol is one of the risk factors of cardiovascular disease, especially the "bad" cholesterol known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL). "Bad" cholesterol will make a plaque in the blood vessels that take a long time to block the flow of blood that makes blood vessels vulnerable to rupture.

Risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced by keeping the cholesterol levels remained normal. Normal cholesterol numbers are different for each person, depending on how much a person has risk factors, such as heredity, diet, smoking, or age.

In general, normal cholesterol levels are less than 200 mg / dl (total), with LDL levels less than 100 mg / dl, HDL or good cholesterol levels above 60 mg / dl, and triglycerides less than 150 mg / dl.

High cholesterol usually does not cause symptoms, so necessary laboratory tests to determine levels in the body.

Besides the things above, people with high cholesterol should also pay attention to a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet, avoid foods that contain high fat or fried foods. Much better consumption of vegetables and fish.

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