Expert style tips Healthy Herbs

Expert style tips Healthy Herbs -- The last few days has decreased some health conditions, it is of course only natural because the weather changes occur, this happens every year, which would be bad for health. So that you do not drag on with this seasonal disease, such as, colds, cough, fever and some other diseases. So what you should do in order to maintain health and not get sick, when climate change is a healthy lifestyle by following some of our health following suggestions:

For health benefits of palm sugar
For health benefits of palm sugar
The first you should do is, regular exercise such as raising muscle mass, of course, with regular exercise unnecessary fat in the body will undergo combustion. If every morning you get used to the consumption of hot tea or coffee with sweetener than sugar sweeteners should from now on replace the drink with palm sugar, honey or stevia.

Not only that, if you still have the habit of eating white rice every day as a power source, start switching to brown rice, black rice, yams, cassava. And what if you're used to then replace it with a consumption of wheat flour.

Whether you are someone who likes fried-fried snack??? 
Well, now change your snacking with food steamed, boiled or baked. There are also a number of healthy and tasty foods that should be avoided such as, chicken porridge, donuts and some other types of healthy foods.
In daily vitamin needs, if your choice falls on the fruit should choose a local fruit alone, the reason is quite simple: you have to be careful with imported fruit, import fruit that usually remain durable then firstly injected formalin fixed so that the fruit looks durable so that it can saved up a long time.
In order to maintain your health there are other physical exercise that must be done, namely, stretching, aerobics such as walking, jogging, swimming, and weight training.

Palm Sugar Ingredients and Benefits for Health

Palm sugar is a processed food sourced from the water treatment plant sap that comes from the male flower bunches of palm trees. Processing into palm sugar sap up through the process of boiling the sap to turn into a viscous liquid and solid colored.

Palm sugar is consumed as a natural sweetener that is safe for the body, in addition to the content in the palm sugar is an important enough role to help meet the body's need for certain nutrients.

The content of palm sugar

In the palm sugar contained some elements of macro and micronutrients, is expected, both in the palm sugar content higher than white sugar.

Some of the content of micronutrients in palm sugar include: Thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), Nicotinic Acid (Vitamin B3), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12), Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), and mineral salts .

For health benefits of palm sugar.

Below are some of the health benefits of palm sugar for human body, among other things:

1. Good for diabetics.
Palm sugar contains lower sugar levels than white sugar. Palm sugar is also believed to reduce levels of saturated fat in the body.

2. Make your rest better intensity
Selenium in palm sugar can help relax the body's muscles tense nerves, so as to provide a relaxing effect. Consuming drinks with a mixture of palm sugar can be trusted to make the perfect bed.

3. Suitable incorporated into the diet.
The low calorie brown sugar makes quite safe and will not increase the cholesterol the body, so it's good to be consumed in your diet program.

4. Anemia deterrent.
Palm sugar contains high iron, so that both consumed to protect the body against anemia.

5. Contains antioxidants.
Palm sugar also contains antioxidants so Consuming palm sugar regularly may help protect the body from radical attack.

6. Increase endurance.
Natural brown sugar is sweet and warm. In addition, some chemical elements content in red sugar can help accelerate blood circulation, strengthens the spleen, giving a sense of warmth and also reduce pain in the stomach. Consuming sugar with ample servings routinely and regularly also can increase endurance.

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