Causes and symptoms of hepatitis

 Symptoms of hepatitis

Causes and symptoms of hepatitis -- Hepatitis is a disease that attacks the human liver, which is caused by the liver becomes inflamed so impaired liver function as filter out toxins in the blood, due to the disruption of liver function also result in impaired function of other organs in the body. The disturbance then health hepatitis patients will get worse, but it also can lead to heart no longer able to receive the blood flow it allows the blood vessels rupture due to increased blood pressure due to blood flow from the heart rejected this.

The hepatitis B virus can be transmitted to anyone be it children or adults, but it all depends on the person's physical condition, if the condition of the person being weak then the virus can be easily transmitted but if healthy body condition then the virus can be combated with human antibodies itself.

Causes and symptoms of hepatitis
Causes and symptoms of hepatitis
The high spread of hepatitis virus in Indonesia is influenced by hygiene factors and population density, not to mention the treatment of this disease is quite expensive, blood tests for patients with hepatitis B and C only about 2 million, not to mention for medical expenses even up to hundreds of millions, each injections for hepatitis C can be up to 9 million.

There are several causes of liver damage such as:

  •      Consume too much alcohol
  •      The entry of toxins into the body so that the work becomes severe liver
  •      Chemicals such as drugs
  •      Contracting the virus from patients with hepatitis

Symptoms of hepatitis in general:

  •      Pain and pain in right abdomen
  •      Body has a fever
  •      Body felt weak
  •      Decreased appetite
  •      feel sick
  •      Abdominal pain and diarrhea
  •      But can also be symptoms of liver disease did not appear in ana-especially children.

Here are some types of Hepatitis:

Hepatitis A (VHA):
Hepatitis A virus is usually live on dirt infectious patient and if the patient can not wash your hands clean when using the toilet so that the virus can be transferred to others.
The HPA virus can live in water, food and even ice cubes because it is a habit to always consume food and drinks that actually clean the wash all vegetables or fruits to be consumed, nor drink water that has been boiled first to prevent transmission of the virus this VHA.

Hepatitis B (HBV):
The hepatitis B virus is most prevalent in Indonesia, usually transmitted through blood or body fluids eg saliva, semen and vaginal fluids that enter the blood through sex.
Therefore, avoid using common tools especially with this disease as an example, nail clippers, razors, needles, even tools such as dental instruments, blood transfusions or needle to get a tattoo if it is not completely clean and sterile even become sources of transmission chronic hepatitis B, even dried blood containing HBV is still a healthy person can transmit at up to 1 week since attached to an object.
Another possibility may carry HBV in infants in the womb of his mother.

Hepatitis C (HCV):
Transmission of hepatitis C virus is similar to hepatitis B is transmitted through blood and is transmitted mostly through VHC needles, so be careful using a syringe or other equipment should not be used by anyone else.

In addition to the above there are also three hepatitis D (VHD) and hepatitis E (VHE), the longer the hepatitis virus is growing and health experts estimate there are still 3 more viruses that can cause hepatitis.

How to tackle hepatitis:

     If the disease until late treated may result in viral hepatitis to liver damage or even liver are more severe Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C can lead to liver cancer.
     Sometimes symptoms of hepatitis disease was not apparent then the patient has unwittingly exposed to hepatitis virus and when the patient is aware of the condition of his heart was in a damaged condition, the virus usually just give a reaction after 15 to 20 years without us knowing, so check with your doctor and get into the habit of healthy living so that antibodies in the body become stronger.
     Do it for the body to get a hepatitis vaccination for antibodies to hepatitis A virus and hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C were to no vaccination for prevention.
     If you have severe liver condition of the patient can perform a liver transplant, but it will be difficult to get donor hearts.

To keep the body in good health so as to have a strong antibody habit to eat healthy and nutritious foods and are also important to get enough sleep every day so as to prevent the virus developing.
With a strong antibody then the virus can not even work with a maximum of antibodies to fight the virus.

Some tips for preventing hepatitis disease are:

Eating healthy and nutritious food
Enough sleep every day
Avoid consuming of alcoholic beverages
Exercise regularly
Do a healthy and balanced diet
If possible avoid using drugs that can damage the liver such as acetaminophen

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