How to Lower High Cholesterol Naturally

How to Lower High Cholesterol Naturally
How to Lower High Cholesterol Naturally
How to Lower High Cholesterol Naturally -- This time Healthy Snacks Brand will try to peel health info that we consider new. New health lies not in the discussion that we discussed but on the type of article, if the health info-this time we present all of the titles has the keyword "HEALTHY" or health, so this time we tried a little sexy title. On this occasion Healthy Snacks Brand will discuss some tips and easy ways to lower high cholesterol in the body naturally, which you can practice to treat and reduce levels of cholesterol within your bodyeach.

The first Healthy Snacks Brand will answer first what exactly is "cholesterol". All must have often heard these words, but if all of you already know what it is cholesterol? Well, if you are someone who is not too familiar with and know about cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a fat contained in the body's cells, or blood, cholesterol is actually a very important role to assist in the formation of the cell wall as well as a useful raw material for the formation of the body's hormones. And has benefits for the body.

However you know that when the cholesterol levels in the blood are already exceeds the threshold requirement that the body needs, it could even lead to the emergence of a variety of malignancies, and one of them is the coronary heart disease and stroke.

Well actually how normal threshold Cholesterol in the body? Which can be categorized as normal cholesterol levels of cholesterol in the body is less than 200 mg / dl. When the amount of cholesterol in your body is above 240 mg / dl, then most likely you will be at risk of developing dangerous diseases like stroke and heart disease.

One of the main causes of elevated body cholesterol levels are unhealthy eating patterns, such as frequent consumption of foods containing high levels of saturated fat, this is what will cause the liver within the process of producing more cholesterol, and cholesterol in the blood that participate rose precipitously.

Well if you are one person who has been declared by a physician as a patient with high cholesterol. It is better to try to use natural ways to lower cholesterol, because his more natural way cause minimal side effects than using drugs.

And here is a natural way to lower high cholesterol that you can try to apply within your daily life:

  • Exercise Routine

Try to take a moment approximately 30-40 minutes within each day to do sports activities, in the application of sport you do not have to do heavy exercise, but by doing a walk about 30 minutes you have to help burn fat / cholesterol and calories in the body. You can do walking activities both morning and afternoon before sunset.
  • A healthy diet

One effective way to lower cholesterol is to do a healthy diet or lose weight, so that the cholesterol in the body can be balanced and proportionate. If you want to make a healthy diet menu you can read articles healthy diet, fruits for a healthy diet, and diet according to blood type.
  • Avoid unhealthy drinks

If you are a person who already has high cholesterol, try to stay away from drinks that contain practical 4lkohol and fizzy drinks.
  • Reduce your intake of carbohydrates

By reducing the intake of carbohydrates, and foods that contain saturated fat means you are also maintaining and lowering high cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Increase consumption of fruit and the vegetable

Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, (especially fruits and vegetables that contain phytosterols) because the fruits and vegetables that contain phytosterols, also has a fiber content that can neutralize and accelerate the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. The fruits and vegetables that contain lots of phytosterols are soybeans, grapes, peanuts, apples, melons and bananas, vegetables beans, cauliflower and broccoli.
Only consume cheese, sour cream, skim milk, and yogurt that have low levels of fat (only occasionally)

Avoid the following foods:

Reduce consumption of meat has a high fat content, if you want to eat meat choose low-fat meat, avoid fast food like burgers, pastries, French fries, hot dogs, tortillas and a wide assortment of other fast food.
Avoid consumption of various types of food cooked using cooking oil (fried foods) and try to multiply the consumption of foods that are boiled or baked.

That tips and easy ways that you can apply within everyday life so that your cholesterol can go down quickly and can avoid other dangerous diseases and stay healthy life as everyone expected.

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