Dental pain can Trigger Heart Disease

Dental pain can Trigger Heart Disease
Dental pain can Trigger Heart Disease
Dental pain can Trigger Heart Disease -- From now on you should no longer ignore the health of your teeth and mouth. Because the results of a study published in the Journal of Periodontology and the American Journal of Cardiology stated that dental infections may trigger strokes and heart disease. Other research, presented at the Forum of European Scientific Periodontist in Austria in June 2012 and concluded that the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis were found in condition of periodontitis (diseases of the dental tissues) can stimulate the production of cytokines.

These cytokines not only instrumental in the occurrence of periodontitis, but also cause blockage of blood vessels that affect the heart.

In the infected tooth, bacteria from the tissues supporting the teeth will go into the blood vessels and can walk to all the vital organs and cause infection, so that not only the risk of heart disease and stroke are lurking, but can also increase the threat for people with diabetes and respiratory tract disease.

As we already know, to maintain oral health, we are encouraged to brush their teeth at least 2 times a day with a fluoride toothpaste and check regularly to the dentist at least every 6 months.

Here are 8 ways you can do to maintain healthy teeth and mouth to avoid infections and other ailments caused by toothache.

Rubbing diligent Dental

Diligent brushing your teeth at least after waking and before bed at night. Mouth closed while you sleep causing bacterial growth twice as much. Therefore, brush your teeth after and before bed can prevent bacterial disorder that can damage the teeth. You can also use a mouthwash after brushing to help reduce the amount of germs and bacteria in the mouth.

Use Toothbrush Soft Hairy

When brushing your teeth you should use a soft toothbrush. If you consider brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush can make your teeth cleaner, meaning you wrong assumption. Brushing your teeth too hard can cause erosion of the protective layer (email) which can lead to tooth sensitive teeth and cavities.

Brush with the Right Techniques

Correct brushing direction is from top to bottom. For the upper and lower molar teeth, brush brush gently from the inside out and make sure the rest of the food is nothing left in the mouth.

Drinking Water is Enough

Water not only serves as relieving thirst. With drinking water, without feeling the dirt and bacteria that accumulate in the mouth also excluded.

Avoid soft drinks

The acidity of carbonated beverages will damage tooth enamel so teeth so brittle can cause cavities (caries).

Reduce food Sweet and Sticky

Sweet and sticky foods like gum stuck to the teeth easier and sugar left in there, so it can be used by bacteria as a place to breed and make the atmosphere of the mouth to acid that can cause bad breath and tooth easily perforated.

Expand the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable

Vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber to natural cleaning for teeth and gum areas. Additionally, fiber is also able to get rid of bacteria and plaque. Out saliva that while chewing fiber can help maintain the pH balance of our mouths. Choose fruits are also rich in vitamin C, which can help repair tissue damaged teeth and mouth, and prevent infection.

Visit the Dentist 6 Months Once

To ensure the health of your mouth and teeth, should do routine checks every 6 months to the nearest dentist. With the help of your doctor, you can reduce the risk of dangerous diseases that can result from tooth ache while keeping your teeth and mouth healthy is always in a state all day.

Cavities, Prevent Before It's Too Late

One of the oral health problems most frequently encountered are the cavities. Cavities can occur at all ages, ranging from children to adults. In general, there are several things that can lead to cavities, such as the habit of eating sugary foods and wrong behavior towards the teeth. Cavities can lead to unbearable pain. The pain usually appears when the hole was too deep in the teeth and the gums are one of the nerves that can lead to pain.

Well, before knowing how to prevent cavities, we should first know what are the factors that can cause cavities.

Brushing the wrong way

Although relatively easy, but there are still many people who brush their teeth the wrong way. Some experts said that brushing should be performed between one to two minutes. The proper way of brushing teeth is from top to bottom instead of left to right or vice versa. Try brushing your teeth in front of a mirror so that dirt visible and easier to clean.

Sugar and Bacteria

Until now there is a myth that says that cavities caused in eating caterpillars. Yet since the 1700s, an American dentist named Willoughby Miller said, cavities are caused by bacteria and sugar.

Bacteria will convert sugar from food scraps to acid and acid make the mouth area. Acid is then make a small hole in the tooth. When a hole occurs on tooth enamel, pain is usually not yet emerged.

However, when a small hole on the email form the opening for the entry of food waste that could potentially make the hole bigger, then that's when the pain started to come. Especially when chewing food.

Proper use of tools Less

Choosing a toothbrush that does not fit with the character of the oral cavity also potentially lead to cavities. Toothbrush does not fit resulted inaccessibility leftovers in between teeth. Especially if the bristles are chosen too rough so that it can erode tooth enamel.

Therefore, choose a soft bristle brush with a smaller head for getting into space has narrowed the teeth in the mouth.

Here are the steps that you must anticipate trying to prevent cavities and pain they cause:

Minimal Tooth Brush 2 x day
Try brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day. Morning and evening is the recommended time to brush your teeth. If necessary, add a mouthwash after brushing your teeth to reduce the development of bacteria that could potentially damage the enamel.

Brushing Teeth with It
Brush your teeth regularly is not enough to prevent cavities if you do not do it right. Brush your teeth from top to bottom to the upper front teeth, towards the top to the bottom front teeth and brush horizontally to molars. Special to thoroughly clean the molars, because the leftovers are usually more attached to the molars.

Gargle after Eating
One cause of tooth decay is a condition caused by the acidity of the oral cavity bacteria. To prevent acidity of the mouth, gargle after a few seconds the meal to reduce the remnants of food stuck between the teeth. Use mouthwash containing an anti-bacterial to reduce the development of bacteria that cause cavities.

Use Dental Floss Dental Instead Plugs
Food scraps left behind, especially in the front teeth should be cleaned using dental floss instead of a toothpick. Using dental floss is relatively more secure because no pointy toes that could potentially injure the gums. Using a toothpick can also cause teeth gap has widened so easily tucked food.

Reduce consumption of sweet food
As described above that sugary foods can trigger the triggers acidity oral cavities. If it can not avoid the consumption of sugary foods, you should immediately rinse after eating these foods.

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