Six Most Rare Diseases in the World

Six Most Rare Diseases in the World -- All people must have felt the pain, either mild illness such as flu and cough, or severe illness such as heart and vertigo. But, of the many diseases that commonly affects people, there are some diseases that are rare.

So scarce, the doctors were probably only find one case during their career. Here are the six most rare diseases:

Six Most Rare Diseases in the World

1. Morgellons

The Centre for Disease Control received reports that in the current period and so there is a skin disease called 'Morgellons'. This disease first occurred in the 1600s, when discovered black spots under the skin of the children in France.

According to the patients suffering from Morgellons, skin will feel like a tingling, like being bitten, and even shock. They also often have a skin rash or sores. This condition is often accompanied by confusion and memory loss.

According to the Morgellons Research Foundation, more than 13,000 families in the U.S. reported to suffer from this disease. According to doctors, Moorgellons is a chronic infectious disease.

2. field Disease

The disease is most rare because there are only two cases in the world. This disease is called Field, and stems from the pain suffered twins Catherine and Kristie Fields. Both were diagnosed with the disease at the age of 4 years. Field disease is a neuromuscular disease that causes muscle degeneration.

3. Kuru

Kuru is a disease of the nervous system. Until the 1960s, many tribes in Papua New Guinea practiced cannibalism for ritual purposes. Found that many of them suffer due to contracting kuru is eating human tissue. Kuru is also known as 'mad cow disease'.

According to the Journal of Epidemiology in 2002, for decades, there are only a few cases of kuru. Symptoms of kuru include arm and leg pain, difficulty walking, decreased coordination system, difficulty swallowing, and body tremors or shaking due to muscle vibration.

This can lead to starvation or malnutrition. The average incubation period of 10 to 13 years, but the incubation period of 30 years or more it had occurred.

4. Microcephaly

Is a condition in which the circumference of the head is smaller than normal size. Why, the brain can not develop properly or has stopped growing. Microcephaly may occur at birth or in the first few days of life.

The disease is most often caused by genetic problems that interfere with the development of the cerebral cortex during the early months of fetal development. The possibility of the occurrence of this disease on only one out of 7,000 infants.

5. Von Hippel-Landau (VHL)

VHL is multigenetik disorder characterized by abnormal growth of tumors in certain parts of the body. Tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) are benign and consists of a nest of blood vessels called haemangioblastomas. Other types of this tumor develops in the adrenal gland, kidney, or pancreas.

VHL symptoms vary, depending on the size and location of the tumor. Symptoms often occur such as headaches, not balanced in walking, dizziness, limb limp, impaired vision, and high blood pressure.

Cysts (fluid-filled sac) or tumors (benign or cancerous) may develop around the hemangioblastomas and cause the above symptoms. According to the National Institutes of Health. People who suffer from VHL are also at higher risk of exposed to certain kinds of cancer, especially kidney cancer.

6. progeria

Progeria is a rare condition that causes premature aging in children. The full name of this condition is Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome. Not usually caused by hereditary factors. Experienced progeria estimated one child in every 8 million births.

Symptoms of progeria include growth failure during the first year of life, weight loss, skin or facial wrinkles, baldness, short stature, large head. and thin scaly dry skin

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