Sauce Salad and Benefits to Health

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Sauce Salad and benefits to health -- Salad or fresh vegetables that are eaten raw two are quite healthy. This type of food is typical of the menu or tribal Sundanese of West Java. But, now not only the monopoly of fresh vegetables Sundanese people alone. Vegetables has become a health food in a familiar tongue around the Indonesian nation. And vegetables are not only eaten in a raw state, but eaten in the mature state. Vegetables as a salad is a healthy source of vitamins and minerals potential, both in the form of macro or micro minerals. These substances are needed by the body to assist in the metabolism of nutrients other.

Minerals include: iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. While the vitamin is found in green vegetables is vitamin A in the form of pro-vitamin A, B6, folasin, pantoneat, and vitamin K. Yellow vegetables contain lots of vitamin A and vitamin C.

In addition to sources of vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber vegetables also warehouse. Fiber in vegetables is water-soluble fiber. Such fiber absorption function affects the stomach and intestines. This fiber can bind to bile acids may reduce the absorption of fat and cholesterol levels. This fiber is also capable of lining the intestinal mucosa that can slow down the absorption of glucose. Because of this, fresh vegetables are very good for people who have blood sugar problems are increasing.Vegetables are almost always performed with his best friend, sauce. Being the usual accompanying side dishes are fried salted fish or other fried dishes. Sauce can appear raw or cooked. Sauce, which is mostly made of chili, a source of vitamin C.

Sauce Salad and Benefits to Health!

Nutrient content of the Vegetable Substances for Health

Content of nutrients naturally in green vegetables very much. Besides rich in vitamin A and C, green vegetables also contain a variety of mineral elements such as of calcium, of iron, the magnesium and phosphor.

Chlorophyll (green substance) in green vegetables is the color pigment of green plants and chloroplasts contained in plant cells. Of chlorophyll has a chemicals that structure is almost similar to hemoglobin (red blood cells). So according to research nutritionists, chlorophyll can be used to stimulate the formation of red blood cells in patients with anemia.

Besides chlorophyll can also function as a natural cleanser (to encourage detoxification); antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals before damage occurs in the cells of the body; antiaging and anticancer.

And also, the enzyme protease inhibitors contained in green vegetables can serve as a deterrent to cancer, especially cancer of the colon. The content of vitamin K in green vegetables play an important role in the process of blood clotting, bone formation, as well as prevent the formation of kidney stones. Eating green vegetables on a regular basis in each serving of meals to maintain the youthfulness of the skin and helps maintain the strength of blood vessels that are not easily broken.

Equally important, the content of antioxidants and natural fiber in green vegetables will maintain a healthy digestive tract and launched. This will facilitate the remnants of metabolism that are not useful out of the body so no time to settle and cause disease.

In fact, many antioxidants found in green vegetables can protect eye cells from ultraviolet light which is the leading cause of cataracts. This is because green vegetables contain antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin is almost 10 times more than vitamin E, which can protect eye cells from damage caused by ultraviolet.

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