Productive women should not be attacked in order to maintain a healthy body's Disease

Productive women should not be attacked in order to maintain a healthy body's Disease -- Just like men, women also sometimes susceptible to diseases that can harm him, especially for those who are productive. Thus, it is highly recommended to maintain health and healthy living behave. Not only that, the experts urged the medical examination and regular physical is highly recommended for all women, especially after they turned 30.

Here are some diseases that often affect the Eve:

Productive women should not be attacked in order to maintain a healthy body's Disease

  • Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia syndrome (myofascial pain syndrome, Fibromiositis) is a group of disorders characterized by pain and stiffness in soft tissues, including muscles, tendons (which connect muscles to bones) and ligaments (which connect bones to other bones).

The pain and stiffness can occur throughout the body or confined to specific areas.

According to the experts, the disease is more common in women than men. Factor of emotional tension and stress can increase the risk of this disease.

Although not dangerous and not to be fatal, but very annoying persistent symptoms of sufferers.

  • Depression

Recent discovery of a hormonal imbalance after menopause may be a major cause of depression, which triggers the explosion risk of psychotic and suicidal ideation. Perform activities to actively interact with other people.

  • Osteoporosis

When women 40 years of age, the amount of calcium in the bones will decrease. To avoid that nightmare, start saving up your intake of calcium for healthy bones. inadequate foods that have high levels of calcium, such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, of broccoli, mustard greens, and fish species.

Include all the while basking in the morning sun was warm and also exercise so that maximum calcium absorption.

  • Heart attack

Judging from the statistics in the last 10 years shows that heart attacks in women has increased. Many women who often ignore chest pain followed shoulder of pain, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty breathing.

For prevention, lifestyle change by incorporating regular exercise schedule, do not miss to consume healthy foods.

  • Breast cancer

Research shows the reason why women are more susceptible to breast cancer because women have cells in the breast cancer more than men.

Then also in women breast cancer cell growth rates faster than men. Consequently this disease often attacks in women.

  • Autoimmune Diseases

Female gender is more susceptible to a variety of autoimmune diseases, including lupus, rheumatism and multiple sclerosis. The scientists who argue that a woman's vulnerability is caused due to genetic results, and also hormonal fluctuations and changes in sex hormones.

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