If danger Against Health Calcium Deficiency

If danger Against Health Calcium Deficiency -- Calcium, a major mineral that is, is synonymous with bone health. However, it turns out calcium can also affect the health of other organ systems. Every day the body needs about 800-1000 mg of calcium intake for adults to stay healthy. In fact, this dose can be increased during pregnancy and lactation. If the deficiency of calcium can lead to various health problems.

During this time, the lack of calcium is closely related to bone loss or osteoporosis. In fact, the impact is more than that. Disturbances associated with a deficiency of calcium in the body.

If danger Against Health Calcium Deficiency

1. Osteoporosis
Bone mass loss commonly occurs with age. Research shows that by the age of 25 years, the body will begin to experience a shortage of calcium as much as 1 percent per year. Entering the age of 50 years, the amount of calcium will be reduced by 30 percent and at the age of 70 years to lose calcium will reach 50 percent. However, it can be prevented by sufficient the consumption of of calcium every day.
2. Muscle Cramps
Lack of calcium can trigger muscle contractions resulting in unstable muscle cramps. One of the events that is often found in pregnant women. Besides triggered venous return is not smooth due to the pressure of the growing uterus weight, cramps in pregnant women is also triggered by calcium deficiency. So, before pregnant women need adequate intake of calcium.
3. Palpitations
Although can be caused by many things, palpitations or heart palpitations can also be experienced due to lack of calcium. This is related to the function of calcium as one guards the heart rhythm.
4. Hypertension
A new study shows people who have hypertension are also mostly calcium deficiency in his body. This may be related to impaired absorption of calcium due to the consumption of foods high in salt, but it could be due to calcium alone function is to control blood pressure.
5. Rickets
Rickets is a bone bending due to lack of calcium intake on bone are still growing, which in childhood. Therefore, calcium intake from childhood was noteworthy.
6. Cognitive Decline
Often forget or are not able to concentrate on the task is a symptom of cognitive decline. Calcium deficiency may play a role in this regard. Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a role in the transmission of nerve impulses. Thus, deficiency of calcium can lead to the transmission is not running smoothly, then the occurrence of cognitive decline.
7. Depression
Study found a significant association of depression with calcium deficiency. The average patient depression calcium deficiency in his body. This is probably due to decreased function of the body to absorb calcium due to depression.

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