Healthy food should be consumed after Sports

Exercising is a healthy activity that gives effect to the body, and also exhausting. After exercise, there is a lot of energy coming out and making us hungry. This situation should you finish up with a healthy diet and do not be afraid to obesity, because below there is a healthy snack that can restore your energy without fear of fat. Let's see what are they.

Healthy food should be consumed after Sports


The food is easily found to contain enough fat and protein are high. Very good consumed before and after exercise because the protein content is able to provide powerful energy for your body. In order to enter the body fat is reduced, you can eat eggs with boiled and not fried.


This yellow fruit is a healthy diet and a good source of energy for the body, and shall you eat before and after exercise. Bananas contain complex carbohydrates that provide constant energy for your body, but that with the complex carbo, then you will get a long satiety.

Coconut water

Thirst really feels like to consume our body needs a fresh drink. Coconut water is present as a solution and nutritious beverages. However, it is strongly recommended not to add sugar and give ice cubes if you want to be consumed cold.

Whey protein and a variety of other protein drinks

Protein drink is one of the tools to restore your lost energy. One protein drink that is really powerful and has the best protein is whey protein. It is a dairy product that is also targeted to increase protein and low in fat. In addition, some protein drinks can also make your own, one of them by mixing the taste of vanilla protein powder with water, nuts, and yogurt. Combine in a blender and drink it your body will get the maximum energy boost.

Well, by consuming beverages and foods are healthy before and after exercise, then you will get a better body condition and not easily tired when perform other activities.

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