HEALTH BENEFITS FOR FRUIT Cucumber -- Cucumber or better known as the cucumber is a fruit that is quite familiar to the people of Indonesia. Always synonymous with cucumber and pickled vegetables, cucumber but sometimes also used as a sweetener in the view restaurant style cuisine. but do you know what are the actual benefits of this cucumber? Here will I peel some of the benefits of cucumber.

Cucumbers have a low calorie content, only about 15 calories per 100 grams. Additionally cucumber also contains Potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, betacaroten, lutein, and betacaroten. With the content of some substances and vitamins that can be said as the cucumber fruit is rich in benefits.

The first benefit of cucumber is able to nourish the hair and able to assist in the growth of healthier hair. With sulfur and silicon content of the cucumber, then the hair will be stronger and healthier.

The second benefit of cucumber is helping pyorrhea or inflammation of the bone supporting the teeth. With fiber content is high enough then get a cucumber helps maintain healthy teeth and gums. In addition, and also will increase our production of saliva containing minerals to clean the teeth and mouth become more fresh.

Further benefits of cucumber is to prevent the heat inside. This is why eating spicy or greasy usually found pickled cucumbers as a complement or as a snack, it is intended that not consuming spicy and oily food is not hot inside.

And benefits of the fourth cucumber can also help lower your blood pressure, because water and fiber content in cucumbers is high enough, it will be lower and you can accelerate blood circulation.

Now we know a little of the benefits of cucumber, and therefore do not hesitate to eat cucumber every day in order to keep our bodies healthy and fresh. Besides being used for cucumber vegetables can also be eaten straight, mixed with salad, or even made and mixed with carrot juice and other fruits.

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