Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Naturally Slim

Any person with a body weight problem would have been familiar with the long diet. But, Do you understand what is meant by diet? And what about the correct diet? Read on this article for further explanation and find a solution lose weight in a healthy and easy.

The actual definition is a diet "dietary adjustments" which mean arranging our diet become healthier. But that often happens in society, defined as a diet reduce food portions and hunger are believed to lose weight. If you eat less only 1 or 2 times a day with a very small portion, then it you will lose weight within 1 to 3 weeks, but do you know what is actually happens in your body?

If you meal a very small amount, your body will automatically receive a distress signal that will protect you from starvation. Therefore, your body will burn fewer calories and your metabolism will slow down than usual. And when you have to stop the "diet", then you will eat more than before. Not because you are greedy and greedy, but once you stop the diet, your weight increases again even more than before your diet. Have you ever experienced something like this?

You also need to know that when you "crash diet" to reduce hunger and excessive eating, your body weight is lost, 50% fat and 50% muscle. This occurs because the body fat is stored as food reserves to survive. When our bodies are starving, we are faced with a choice burning fat or muscle. Because fat is of the most important energies reserve to survive, then it that is burned is a muscle and then fat. But when you stop dieting, your weight back, get 100% body fat! Where your muscles? Of course missing, and must obtained again with a hard workout. Therefore it is very detrimental to we are. What's more when you avoid breakfast then coupled with morning exercise, which makes you believe that you will lose weight. Is it so? The answer is not necessarily.

When you are exercising but not breakfast, your body is starving. As a result, you tend to eat too full when the meal arrives. For optimum health, we need to divide the a day ration within breakfast. But you should avoid diet by eating 2-3 hours before bedtime. This is obviously because when we sleep, our bodies grow, develop, enhance and saves energy. Metabolism slows down when we sleep, and undigested food in the body will be kept as a reserve for future needs. This backup will be stored as fat. Obviously this is highly undesirable. If you avoid eating 2-3 hours before bed, you will give your body enough time to digest the food. That way, when you sleep, you are not going to save calories that get stored as fat.

Discuss the issue in one of the dietary habits. But did you know that just by changing the way of eating can reduce the amount of excess food that you should not eat? Yeah right. You should eat in sufficient quantities, no less and no more. Eat fewer or make your excess fat. But how to determine the amount of food is enough? Is the amount enough for you to eat normal portions you daily meals? Not necessarily the case.

Knowing the size of the right foods is very important in your diet. To know the the size of the actual food, try to eat slowly. It means slow down your eating. If you usually are able to spend 1 serving of noodles, dumplings or fried rice in 5 minutes to 20 minutes or even more.


Did you know that the body takes 20 minutes to tell the brain when we are full? By slowing eat, we can prevent a glut or overeating, because there is enough time for the brain to receive information that we are full. When you think of a healthy diet, I know what you're thinking. Surely many of you are thinking about the food that is too bad, tasteless, does not have to be fried, should be boiled, and so forth.

Let we are change your perception!

I'm not saying you should not eat fat or rice in your diet at all. If you do not eat fat, then your body will be sick, because it serves to dissolve fat vitamin A, D, E, K, which is useful for the body. However, the fat that you should consume healthy fats. How fat is healthy? It is easy, healthy fats are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats.

From which we got the healthy fats to we are diet? Healthy fats contained in: extra virgin olive oil, hazelnut, almond, avocado, guava and others. If you change the cooking oil with extra virgin olive oil (pure olive oil), then you're cooking with healthy oils. Worried it would turn out to be bad? Take it easy. Olive oil or olive oil and other cooking oils are made of the right palm, only much healthier.

Here are some useful tips for your diet to help you lose weight without starving.

- Do not avoid breakfast and eat every 3-4 hours at a time to balance blood sugar levels
- Avoid eating 2-3 hours before bedtime
- Eat slowly and enjoy every bites your food
- Move after eating, sightseeing or activity after a meal to avoid foods that are stored as fat
- Eat healthy foods, healthy fats in sufficient quantity, not less and not excessive
- Eat authentic, the food is not processed or packaged foods.

Hopefully it can refresh the perceptions and views on diet. So, you can lose weight to look slimmer and healthier without feeling hungry.

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