Foods for Diet and Beauty

Foods for Diet and Beauty -- Types of foods to the diet and beauty-Sufficient nutritional needs both vitamins and minerals would be a must to keep the body healthy. There are many types of food that serves as the fulfillment of the needs of the body.

But not a few by eating some foods can maintain health in addition it can also provide benefits for beauty. Now consider the type of food to the diet as well as the following beauty.

The following type of diet foods and beauty:
1. Tomatoes
Avoid the problem of wrinkles or sagging skin especially on the face, often to consume tomatoes.
Tomatoes contain high antioxidants protect your skin from cell damage especially to prevent you from premature aging symptoms such as wrinkles.
Natural nutritional content of tomatoes is also able to tighten the facial skin from the inside.
2. Green Tea
Foods for Diet and Beauty
High content of antioxidants found in green tea has long been believed to be a natural ingredient for maintaining beauty. Even the content contained in green tea is able to prevent you from the fierce attack of sunlight can trigger a dull face and black spots on the face.
Consuming enough cup of green tea consumed twice a day and within 6 months, can help you retain the beauty and health conditions even able to avoid you from fat deposits found on the body.
3. Green Beans
Natural ingredients that are a source of healthy food for the beauty of this is to eat nuts.
Green beans including one, low calorie content owned by these green beans are able to maintain the strength of the hair roots is more dense. Even by eating green beans can also make nails healthier.
4. Walnut
High content of omega-3 is not only owned by the salmon, walnuts can you make as a healthy diet for beauty.

Walnuts also contain omega-3 as salmon owned by. The content of omega-3 needed by the skin to maintain moisture and protect the skin from chemicals and toxins found in the body that damage the health of the skin.
5. Yoghurt
Healthy food for beauty that you can eat is yogurt, yogurt consumption to maintain the beauty and health of the body can help you kill the bad bacteria found in the body

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