Blood Enhancer Healthy Food

Blood Enhancer Healthy Food
Blood Enhancer Healthy Food -- Blood has a very important role on human health . If we are deprived of blood , it will cause us to experience anemia . Anemia or anemia disease is one that is fairly common disease suffered by the people of Indonesia . This disease should not be taken lightly , especially in pregnant women because it can harm pregnant women . Pregnant women usually greater rate of decline in blood because not many get the nutrients needed by the body during pregnancy . Haemoglobin has a very important role in maintaining a healthy body because it serves to carry oxygen and nutrients .

Signs of deficiency of hemoglobin that is experienced when the body feels tired , weak , lethargic , limp and lackluster . If you experience these symptoms , it could be a symptom of anemia . To help increase the blood , you actually do not have to always consume the blood booster supplements for the natural environment has provided a lot of blood booster foods we can eat. In addition to adding the blood , the food is of course also very healthy for the body . Here are some foods that can increase the hemoglobin in the body .
Fruit Bits
Red fruit is very good to help regenerate hemoglobin iron to activate . Fruits are included in the family Chenopodiaceae are shaped grass crops . This plant is very short stem . Edible part is the part that berbentu round tuber . Bit tastes good , rather renyak , slightly sweet , and rich in vitamin C , vitamin B , and vitamin A.

Broccoli and Cauliflower
Broccoli and cauliflower have similar nutritional content . Both of these vegetables are rich in iron that can help the regeneration of red blood cells . These vegetables can meet the daily requirement of vitamin C up to 77 percent . Moreover , in the cauliflower also contains vitamins B1 , protein , calcium , niacin , zinc , iron , phosphorus , and various other substances to the body . Meanwhile , broccoli is rich in calcium , potassium , iron , selenium , potassium , and vitamin A.
Green grains contain iron and zinc . 1 mg of zinc daily meet the 7 percent requirement is also needed for the formation of bones and red blood cells . Meanwhile , 1.3 mg of iron daily meet the 7 percent requirement which is a mineral clubs to various enzymatic reactions in the body and to form the main component of muscle cells and hemoglobin . Legumes are also rich in magnesium , folate , potassium , potassium , and vitamin K is needed by the body .
Spinach consists of two kinds of spinach and spinach unplug learned . Spinach is very good for people with anemia . In addition to green spinach , some red spinach . Red Spinach is also equally rich in iron and good for pregnant women . Spinach is rich in folate and iron to increase the blood . Better not consume spinach that has been cooked more than five hours because when it is cooked and exposed to oxygen in the air , it will be poison spinach .
Collards Green
Mustard contains 1.4 grams of protein , 20 kilocalories , 0.4 grams fat , 40 mg phosphorus , iron , 1.9 mg , and 123 grams of calcium . In addition , mustard greens also contain vitamin A , thiamin , and vitamin C. With the iron content in the green vegetables , the cabbage can also be a natural blood booster foods .

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