Smile For Health Benefits

Smile For Health Benefits --- Smiling is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress and add a friend. But the it turns out there are 10 other benefits of a smile to one's health.

As is known it takes a little more facial muscles to sullen compared make somebody smile. Some experts claim it takes 43 muscles to sullen and only 17 muscles to smile. However some others cite it takes 62 muscles to sullen and only 26 muscles for a smile.

Moreover smile can also improve one's health and make life more enjoyable. Here are some of the benefits that can be obtained someone with a smile.

1. A smile makes somebody more attractive
Unconsciously smile can make person more attractive because there is a certain attraction factor and make somebody look better compared frown, sullen or grimace.

2. A smile can change the mood
Smiling can trick the body so it helps somebody to change his mood for the better. Therefore if you feel sad, try for a smile.

3. A smile can be contagious
Smiling not only change the mood of the person but also the people around them, and made things have been more happy. This is because it can be infectious a smile and bring happiness for others.

4. A smile can relieve stress
People who are stressful can seen from his face, but with smile could prevent someone seems jaded and weary. If were stressed, try to grab the the time to smile, because it could reduce the stress of making it more able to take action.

5. Smile boosts the immune system
Smiling helps the immune system to works better. When a person smiles then the increased of immune function which make somebody feel more relax and protected from diseases like flu and colds.

6. Smile lowers blood pressure
When smiling then there is decline in value blood pressure the measured. Try it measure blood pressure when sitting at home while reading, then smiled for 1 minute and measure blood pressure back, it will be visible difference.

7. A smile can release endorphins, pain relievers and serotonin
Studies have demonstrated can a smile release endorphins, compounds that can reduce the pain naturally and serotonin. All three can be make a person feeling better and to be a natural remedy.

8. Crease a smile on the face can make person to look younger
The muscles that is used for a smile lift the face can help to make people look younger. Hence Try it smile more often which makes you feel younger and better.

9. Smiling can make people seen successful
The person who smile will look more confident so that more promoted, besides the pair a smile at each meeting will have a different reaction.

10. A smile can help person stay positive
A smile will make a person more positive and reduce the negative thoughts. By reducing depression, stressful and worry then the will also increase a person's health and avoid risks of various diseases.

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