Various Benefits of Tea for Health and Benefits

Since the first tea is known to have many health benefits. By drinking tea can make the body more relaxed in living activities. Tea can be consumed in various ways, brewed with hot water or added to ice, equal pleasure. There is even a type of tea leaves that can be eaten. When compared with other types of beverages, teas were more benefits. This drink can prevent or help cure ailments similar to severe influenza kinds of cancer. The type of tea can also be selected according to individual taste.

Compounds in tea and benefits for health

The content of chemical compounds in tea leaves consist of three groups each of which has health benefits:
1. Caffeine

Elements of the caffeine in tea is considerably less than coffee. Benefits:
           * characteristically as a mild stimulant to the central nervous system thus improving blood circulation to the brain
           * by drinking tea regularly will increase the level of memory, cognitive performance, and a feeling of pleasant mood.
2. Essential oil
Tea also contains proteins that felt great role in the formation of aroma. Benefits:
           * dissolves grease
           * streamlining the digestive and circulatory

Other ingredients in the tea leaves:

Health benefits of tea for brain

Besides soothing tea also has many health benefits for both the body. A study says that tea is one of them, increase your brain power. Researchers from the netherlands suggest that you consume tea regularly. This is because tea could reduce fatigue, increase alertness, improve the performance of the body and brain power.

The study, written in the journal nutritional neuroscience is said that tea contains caffeine and amino acids, the so-called l-theanine. The second ingredient that is essential in providing a positive benefit to the body. In that study found, caffeine and l-theanine significantly increases the accuracy of the turn of tasks for those who drank the tea after 20 and 70 mins, compared which no. Both of such active ingredients can also get the green tea.

The study also found that a person's level of awareness is also increasing because of consuming tea regularly. In addition, tea is also able to reduce fatigue among the participants.

Benefits of green tea for health

Green tea is now increasingly favored by the people. Drinking green tea appears to have so many benefits for our bodies. Not many people know there are some benefits of drinking green tea every day. All this time only known that green tea is known as a healthful beverage, and as an antioxidant protects the heart.

Another benefit of drinking green tea are:

Prevent cancer

Preventing the risk of cancer. Polyphenols contained in green tea is the most potent antioxidant. Where did he prevent the spread and growth of cancer cells in the blood. Several studies found that people who drink green tea regularly may reduce breast cancer risk the stomach, colon, and of prostate cancer.

Skin care

This tea is a natural antiseptic to cope with itching and swelling. Put a pinch of green tea on the skin which develop inflammation, sunburn, or blackish stain in the eyelids, and feel coolness.

Protect the skin

Protects skin from harmful effects of sunlight causes skin cancer. That's why you see a lot of beauty products such as sunscreen or a moisturizer that is made from green tea.

Stabilize blood pressure

50 percent of people which consume green tea, rarely exposed to high blood pressure than those who never drank. Turns polyphenols was the one a meritorious once again. They able to keep the blood vessels so as not to shrink and increase in pressure. Green tea can also lower cholesterol and prevent the occurrence of stroke.

Keeping memory

Green tea was able to maintain brain function decline. Those who drank two glasses a day avoid cognitive problems than those who rarely drank. High tea contains antioxidants which can fight free radicals that attack the brain, causes alzheimer's and parkinson's disease.


More healthy arteries, the more visible you which young and healthy to consume. At least 10 ounces of green tea consumed every day, can absorb the excess fat from the arteries and cholesterol.

Lose weight

Drink green tea can help the process of burning calories so as to lose weight.

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