Prevent Cancer With Keep the Dental and Oral Health

Prevent Cancer With Keep the Dental and Oral Health -- Maintain oral health not only makes fresh breath , but it is becoming one of the effective means of cancer prevention . One of the causes of cancer such as cancer rahir and oropharyngeal cancer ( head and neck ) is Huma papilloma virus ( HPV ) . The risk of head and neck cancer can be lowered by maintaining oral health . Quite a lot of oropharyngeal cancers are caused by HPV so we try to uncover the missing link between the lack of guarding oral hygiene and HPV infection .

Based on 3,439 respondents who were the object of research , people who have a history of living less maintain oral health , 50 percent infected with HPV are more vulnerable than the teeth and mouth clean . In addition , oral hygiene habits are also associated with oral sex which further increase the chances of developing cancer .

It is recommended to maintain oral health with regular toothbrush , use dental floss to clean the dirt that is not affordable , also gargle with mouthwash . In addition it is advisable to visit your dentist at least twice a year .

Foods to Avoid and Consumed To Avoid Bad Breath

Prevent Cancer With Keep the Dental and Oral Health
Prevent Cancer With Keep the Dental and Oral Health
Often do not feel confident when speaking because of the problem of bad breath ? Bad breath is actually caused by two things : oral hygiene and gastrointestinal health . It means that not only smell coming from the mouth , but also the digestive tract .

In the case of these digestive problems , you should consult with your doctor . Usually the doctor will give you advice for a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates , and fruits and vegetables . As for the oral hygiene problems , you can solve it by brushing and flossing after meals .

Some foods can also cause bad breath , here are some foods and drinks that should be avoided :

Garlic and onion . This is because the smell of sulfur compounds in garlic and onions will live long in the mouth and even absorbed in the blood stream which will exhaled when you breathe .

Coffee and alcohol . Coffee and alcohol cause bad breath due to trigger the growth of bacteria . It also causes dry mouth and reduced salivary flow.

Conversely , some foods beverages in believed to make better bad breath :

  • Water . Water can make the bacteria in the mouth washed away and trigger the production of water winch is a natural cleaning agent in the mouth .
  • Chew some of these herbs : parsley , cilantro , spearmint , tarragon , eucalyptus , rosemary , and cardamom . In addition to chew the raw state , you may also mixes into tears like a tonic or tea . In addition to refreshing the mouth , the spices were also able to make better digestion .
  • Eat yogurt once a day, in addition to reducing the odor of hydrogen sulfide in the mouth , yogurt also adds good bacteria in the mouth and reduce plaque or tartar . Gums also likely to be healthier because of it. Ensure that the consumption of sugar - free yogurt .
  • Consumption of foods such as crunchy apples , carrots and celery . This fiber foods will combat bad breath or halitosis is one of them caused by tartar .
  • Eating fruits rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits , melons , because vitamin C can create an inhospitable environment for bacteria that cause bad breath . In addition , vitamin C is also effective against gum disease and gingivitis which became one of the main causes of bad breath . Make sure the vitamin C in the can of fruit as if of supplements will not be effective .

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